Elements - System Administrator and User Guide - Hosted
Worklist Changes Summary Report

The Worklist Changes Summary Report shows a summary of the changes in the number of accounts and the balances of the accounts for each worklist over a specified period of time. The results can be based on the account balance or the current amount due. When the Download runs, it tracks the opening status of each worklist and the changes that are made during the download, such as accounts moving into and out of a worklist based on changes in the status of the loan.

There is a setting in the Download that determines whether the information that creates this report is collected. If the option is turned off in the Download, any existing information in the Collection Element database is purged and no further information is added. If it is turned back on, the information is collected from that date forward; previous information cannot be recovered.
Access to this report is controlled through administrator-defined Security Profiles.

If the account is transferred out of one worklist and into another worklist, the Transferred Out worklist amount reflects the amount transferred out and the Transferred In amount reflects the new amount.

The report is generated with the following filters.

Filter Description
Download Date From By default, the first date of the current month is populated in this field. If desired, use the calendar icon to select a new date to serve as the start of the date range to include in the report results. Downloads that occurred since this date are included in the report results.
Download Date To By default, the current date is populated in this field. If desired, use the calendar icon to select a new date to serve as the end of the date range to include in the report results. Downloads that occurred until this date are included in the report results.
Worklist From the drop-down, select the worklists to include in the report results. Accounts in the selected worklists are included in the report results.
Users may be restricted to their own worklists depending on configuration of their Security Profile in System Management >Collection > Security Profiles.
Report By From the drop-down, select whether to generate report results based on Current Amount Due or Current Balance.

Change any of the filters and click View Report to regenerate the report using the new parameters.

Refer to the Reports in Elements topic for information on the report's toolbar.



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